Thursday, August 15, 2019

Indonesia Trip 2019: First day in Jakarta! (July 20th)

Since our flight arrived in Jakarta in the morning, we still had the whole day to do things. Except...we were all jet lagged and exhausted, so we spent most of the first day just sleeping. However, we did make sure to wake up before dinner and eat.

We ate at Sate (pronounced Sa-tay) House Senayan. My cousin (the same one from the airport) was telling us how he remembered this place and was one of his favorite places to eat. I too, remember eating here when we came to Jakarta. It's really good. 

For those who don't know what Sate is, it's basically chicken on a stick and grilled. They also serve chicken skin, which is really good as well (even if it's not healthy). They serve it with a peanut sauce, soy sauce, and some cabe (pronounced cha-bae, it's the general word for chili sauce).

We also got some Durian to try, since my younger sister doesn't remember trying it. It has a very strong smell, and nobody in my family likes it. Naturally, I didn't like it. The smell is way too strong. Fun fact about durian's, because of their smell, they are banned from public transportation. I've seen it in Singapore, Jakarta, and Penang as well. 

The thing that's said around Durian is you either love it, or hate it. I have a friend who really likes it because it's sweet and tastes good. So if you have the chance, give it a try and formulate your own opinion! It's a large, spiky fruit with yellow on the inside, not to be confused with Jackfruit!
Image credit: BigBasket on Twitter

If you're ever in Jakarta, come give Sate Senayan a shot!

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