Friday, August 5, 2016

Some things to know about Japan

In the five days that I've been in Japan, I've noticed some things about Japan.

1) mosquitoes. I don't know why this never occurred to me, but I've been bitten at least five times now.
2) The pedestrian signs typically have some sort of head accessories. At the crosswalks, the stop and go guys have hats on them. The school child crossing signs have characters that either have a hat or a bow. And any other sign that has a pedestrian also has a hat.
3) bathrooms. Their bathrooms are designed to be waterproof. The area next to the bathtub has a shower head and that's where you shower. The bathtub is filled with warm water because they like to soak in it after they shower.
4) there is a lot more public transportation, especially in Tokyo. We noticed that most vehicles on the road in Tokyo were busses or vehicles that involved a certain profession. There is also the public trains. Which we used to get pretty much everywhere. Oh, and walking. Lot's of walking or biking.
5) the cars are box shaped. Japanese favor a tall roof versus a wide car.
6) chopsticks are used for everything. I felt very accomplished when I got a grape tomato in my mouth without it falling or having to stab it.
7) people bow a lot. There is a lot of respect, and little dips of the head when things are given to someone else are common.
8) there are grooved tiles everywhere. From what I've heard, is that they're for blind people, because they lead to important places, like the ticket machine or platform on the subway.
9) it's humid. Humid and hot.
10) itadakimasu and gocheesousamadeshita. They are said at the beginning and end of each meal, respectively. I tried to practice it at every meal, and seemed to get the hang of it, but it seems to be often forgotten. Particularly gocheesousamadeshita.

1 comment:

  1. Great observation, Abigail. How about the buildings? Are they lean and tall too?
