Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 7th

Today is day two if host family day. My host family took me on a 'forecast adventure'. Which included harnesses, zip lines, being high up in the air, and mini obstacle courses. It was really fun, and at one point in the course, we all faltered from fear.

After that we went to a waterfall which was very wide and cold. We ate lunch there, where I tried lot's of Japanese foods. Like a type of bread bun filled with spinach or mushroom, grilled fish on a stick, and mochi on a stick with a sauce of sugared miso.

After that, my family was really nice, and took me to a gift shop so I could buy some souvenirs. There was a super cool cellphone charm that was Levi Ackerman from Attack On Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) crossed over with Sanada Yukimura. An actor from a very popular TV show here in Japan and Ueda, since the show have involved Ueda for quite some time. So, Levi wore a samurai outfit.

We then went back to their house where I played Wii with the two younger kids, (the oldest was back at a summer seminar), then they took me to dinner at a restaurant with a conveyor belt. I tried real sushi, and some were better than others. It was really weird, but good at the same time. The restaurant was very cool though. A conveyor belt ran around the restaurant and by everybody's table. You could either pick up some food that was going around, or you could order using the tablet at the table.

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